(QEC) Quality Enhancement Cell

Internal Evaluation (Third Party Evaluation) For PMC Visit of Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

QEC Department conducted two day Internal Evaluation Activity on 4th January, 2022 and 5th January, 2022 before PMC Visit as to ensure that the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences met the quality standards set by the PMC. The Internal Evaluation Review Committee consists of:

  • Abdul Wahid Usmani, Director Quality Management & Accreditation. (JSMU), Karachi.
  • Dr. Atta ur Rehman, SIPMR, Karachi.
  • Shahzad Afzal Kayani, Director QEC, Hamdard University.

The reviewers visit College of Medical & Dentistry (Basic Sciences), Hamdard University Dental Hospital, Hamdard University Hospital, Taj Medical Complex, Naimat Begum Mother & Child Care Unit. They identified the flaws and emphasized them. They also evaluated every aspect and offered various options to rectify the situations.

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