(QEC) Quality Enhancement Cell

MS/M.Phil. & Ph.D. Self-Review 2021

Postgraduate Programs Review (PGPR) is one of the performance indicators prescribed by the Quality Assurance Agency, HEC to be executed by each higher education institute annually inviting the external reviewers. The PGPR is based on the review of the program prescribed by the QAA, HEC to ensure the minimum compliance to start the postgraduate programs and for the award of the degree.

A Two-day Postgraduate Programs Review of Institute of Hamdard University, Karachi was conducted from 30-31 March, 2021 for the period 2019 to 2021. Reviewers were invited from outside Dr. Abdul Wahid Usmani, Director QM&A of Jinnah Sindh Medical University and Prof. Dr. Anila Amber Malik from Department of Psychology, University of Karachi.

Interaction with the key stakeholders including Deans, Heads of Teaching and support departments, and postgraduate students was also done to collect their feedback regarding their satisfaction level with reference to the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment, awareness of the policies, department support, research facilities and timely completion of the program.

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