(QEC) Quality Enhancement Cell

Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) 2021-22

On June 20–21, 2022, a two-day review of the postgraduate programs offered by the faculties of Hamdard University in Karachi was held for the academic year 2021–2022. The members of the Review Committee are as under:

  • Dr. Ghazala Rizwani ,Hamdard University.
  • Dr. Aamir Saleem , Dean FEST.
  • Muhammad Akhtar Kang, Hamdard Institute of Social Sciences
  • Abdul Wahid Usmani Director QEC, JSMU and Consultant on Quality for Riyadh Poly Technique Institute Saudi Arabia was there as an external evaluator. 

The evaluators met with the deans, directors, and principals of the respective faculties and departments and went over student and faculty files as well as other relevant records. They visited the faculties and determined whether there were enough resources there to support the PHD students.

As per the IPE schedule, in order to get feedback from the postgraduate students about their level of satisfaction with the department’s support, the effectiveness of the teaching, learning, and assessment processes, their knowledge of the policies, and the facilities for conducting research.

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