(QEC) Quality Enhancement Cell

Progress Review Meeting & Training of QECs on 11th & 12th March, 2021 Organized by QAA-HEC

QAA-HEC awarded the shield of recognition to Mr. Shehzad Afzal Kayani, Director QEC during the ‘Progress Review Meeting & Training for Quality Enhancement Cells’ for their Excellent Performance in the Yearly Progress Report (YPR) for the year 2018-2019. This shield was for universities that have complied with 80% or more of the agency’s quality policies and procedures. The rating score is based on a comprehensive set of more than 50 parameters. The Yearly Performance Review conducted by HEC QAA is a multidimensional review to regularly measure quality of higher education institutes. The most notable parameters include self-assessment, assessment of institutional performance, evaluation of program assessment of HEI and continuous quality improvement (CQI) framework.

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