(QEC) Quality Enhancement Cell


The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) was established in September 2013 at Hamdard University. Hamdard University established Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) for the introduction and implementation of procedures and criteria methodology by HEC guide line for the monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of the project or service facility to ensure that quality standards are met.

Strategic Highlights:

QEC seeks to assure quality in all academic and administrative departments. Quality Assurance is a process-driven approach with specific steps to help define and attain goals. This process consists of design, development, production, and services. The goal is to ensure that excellence is inherent in every component of the process. The cycle for quality assurance consists of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Ever since the inception of QEC, all departments have set Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are strictly followed and regularly audited. This helps maintain the standard and assures quality in the departmental performance. The QEC also ensures that the quality output at all departments is further enhanced by providing support and guidance using the internationally accepted QA tools.

With the evolution of global education standards, the focus on quality education has increased significantly. Hamdard University focuses more on personality formation, knowledge base and practical skills of graduates. Quality assurance can be defined as a continuous self-assessment process through internal or external evaluation and accreditation. This process ensures an effective alternative to the pre-determined requirements of educational standards through an institution or study program.


To strive for value-based quality higher education through creating and upholding higher standards and quality assurance in all academic activities leading to excellence in line with University’s motto “In Pursuit of Excellence”.


To facilitate University’s endeavors to keep pace with the international quality standards in terms of academic programs, pedagogy and research through planning, assessment, evaluation and on-going persuasion and monitoring.

Major Task of QEC:

As QEC is responsible for promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded (as per HEC guideline). It is liable for ensuring that the university’s quality assurance procedures are in line with national arrangements for maintaining and improving the quality of higher education. The core responsibilities of Hamdard University QEC are the following:

  1. Approval of new programs
  2. Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring, and students perception.
  3. Departmental review
  4. Student feedback
  5. Employer feedback
  6. Quality assurance of Master’s, M.Phil and Ph.D. degree Programs
  7. Subject review
  8. Institutional assessment
  9. Program specifications
  10. Qualification framework


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